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Mari is a queer illustrator based in Cardiff. Mythsntits is all about celebrating queerness and Welsh culture and creating a safe space for people to enjoy that. It is often that female and LGBTQ+ figures are glazed over in mythology however, Mythsntits will always strive to shine a light on those forgotten. All of this is done with a cheeky sense of humour and vibrant colours which make it hard not to join the party.

Mae Mari’n ddarlunydd queer sy’n byw yng Nghaerdydd. Nod Mythsntits yw dathlu pobl queer a diwylliant Cymreig gan greu gofod diogel i bobl eu mwynhau. Yn aml, caiff ffigyrau benywaidd a LHDTQ+ eu hanwybyddu mewn mytholeg, ond mae’n bwysig i Mythsntits daro golau ar y rheiny caiff eu anghofio’n fwyaf aml. Mae’n gwneud hyn gyda hiwmor direidus a defnydd bywiog o liw, sy’n ei gwneud hi’n anodd peidio ymuno’n yr hwyl.